

The sex industry poorly serves to fulfill the sexual and sensual desires of women. An investigation of the erotic design industry to access the scope and variety of sex toys and accessories, will illuminate the lacking insight. There seem to be few companies or products represented that unify design aesthetic, or a sense of quality and functionality. Designers need to address the stunted growth of sexuality in society and translate the fantasy into a carefully crafted tangible form, that embody design aesthetic and innovative function. By blending fashion, femininity, engineering and design, I aim to create objects not just functional, but seductive in their own right to inspire a positive and confident sexuality. After acquiring this object the hidden value embedded in the innate materials and form, transcends into spiritual enlightenment and social evolution. The design research, experimentation, development and refinement will be reflected equally in the physical materiality as in the conceptual existential form.


Can there be an innovative middle ground of erotic design that sits within a middle ground between sacred and obscene; a Madonna / whore discrepancy?