High End Sex Toys
Sex toys have come a long way since the days when doctors treated “hysteria” by manipulating a woman’s genitals until she achieved release. Early vibrators were sold as portable muscle massagers, with the notion they might be applied with great success to the genitals left to the consumer’s imagination. The sexual revolution changed this, of course, with low-rent sex shops openly selling jelly dildos and made-in-China battery-powered wands.
About 10 years ago, something fascinating and perhaps inevitable occurred: Small manufacturers hired designers and engineers and sometimes even consulted actual women to create “designer” gizmos that cost $100 or more, justifying the expense with promises of superior quality, innovative design and “modern tech” innards.
More recently, luxury boutiques have pushed prices higher by presenting toys as objets d'art. Unlike most sex toys which are mass manufactured and designed with little thought for usability or longevity, high end sex toys are designed as much for their beauty as for their function, and are manufactured from high quality materials that are chosen for their practicality and aesthetic.Practical, yes, but they also look so natural on your coffee table your friends will never know it’s been in their host’s pussy or butt. Sneaky - Sculptural - Sexy
It is worth noting that most of the people who are making high end sex toys are not from inside the adult sex toy industry. Instead they tend to come with backgrounds in industrial, graphic, or conceptual design, and marketing. The obvious (and possibly only) drawback to the high end sex toys currently available is price. With retail prices ranging from $150.00 to over $1000.00, high end sex toys are out of the reach and remain within a niche market.
Wow, you're blog surprised me(a little bit). I hope I never have to move a paper weight from a friend's coffee table ever again. Thanks for an entertaining read. //Jarrad